Artificial Intelligence, AI Terms Defined

Artificial Intelligence, AI Terms Defined

Artificial Intelligence is a catch-all phrase for computer systems that can perform tasks commonly associated with human cognitive functions such as interpreting language and speech, playing games, identifying objects and patterns. Artificial intelligence, or AI, today is divided into three broad categories – ANI, AGI, and ASI. Artificial Narrow Intelligence,…

Cone cell sensitivity ranges

Human Eyes Colour Sensitivity

Rod cells in the retina of our eyes give the ability to see light and give us our night vision when light levels are low, but rod cells cannot distinguish colour. Cones cells, located in the centre of the retina (in an area called the macula), are not much good…

Eyes, a New Receptor Cell Found in Human Colour Vision

Eyes, a New Receptor Cell Found in Human Colour Vision

Scientists studying the response of specific mice with retinal diseases to a light/dark cycle. The mice were blind – they had no rods and cones cells left, but their body clocks were working okay. This lead to the discovery of a previously unknown light receptor cell in the eye: containing…

Human Brain, and Its Incredible Complexity

Human Brain, and Its Incredible Complexity

Contains 86 billion neurons with an average of 5000 interconnections per neuron – but up to as many as10,000. This computes to a staggering 430,000,000,000,000 – 430 trillion connections. The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of the brain consisting of six layers or cells and was the last part…

Cosmology From The Beginning

Cosmology From The Beginning

Cosmology from the beginning – Part Twenty-Seven Because Astrophysicists have discovered that the universe is apparently expanding, and have measured the rate of this expansion, they can run the clock backwards at that rate and calculate the age of the universe.  Using the latest, most accurate, information it appears to…

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