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Black Holes Come In Many Forms
Cosmology | Space

Black Holes Come In Many Forms

In cosmology understanding black holes is a crucial area of study and ultimately may lead to resolving one of the biggest mysteries in physics, the combination of quantum mechanics and…

Cosmology From The Beginning
Cosmology | Space

Cosmology From The Beginning

Cosmology from the beginning – Part Twenty-Seven Because Astrophysicists have discovered that the universe is apparently expanding, and have measured the rate of this expansion, they can run the clock…

Human eye Three_Main_Layers_of_the_Eye
Life | Human Vision

How Do Human Eyes Work

The retina at the back of the eye is a complex part of the eye, and its job is to turn light into signals about the images on its surface…

Light and Human Colour Vision
Life | Human Vision

Light and Human Colour Vision

Sunlight White light from the Sun is fundamental to human colour vision, but it can be split into all the colours of the rainbow. The light waves are refracted (bent)…
Life | Origin of life

Life and Its Origins

How did life on Earth begin, when and where did it start? Was there more than one origin? When did organic chemistry become biology i.e., life, a process called abiogenesis?…