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Black Holes Come In Many Forms
In cosmology understanding black holes is a crucial area of study and ultimately may lead to resolving one of the biggest mysteries in physics, the combination of quantum mechanics and…

Sci Fi Novel about fusion energy, AI, climate change and…
Sci Fi Novel about fusion energy, AI, climate change and…

Fission Energy with Thorium
Thorium can be used for nuclear energy. If thorium had been selected instead then there would have been no nuclear meltdowns because thorium reactors are self limiting and can’t run…

Climate Change
Climate Change

Fossil Fuels Reduction
Why Should We Reduce Our Usage Of Fossil Fuels? Apart from the fact that they are almost certainly responsible for climate change, will eventually run out, and they will get…

Particle Physics, Exploring the Very Smallest and Largest Scales of Reality
The scale of reality goes from the smallest to the largest things we know. Particle physics explores the very smallest scales of reality and reaches its limit according to current…

Artificial Intelligence, AI Terms Defined
Artificial Intelligence is a catch-all phrase for computer systems that can perform tasks commonly associated with human cognitive functions such as interpreting language and speech, playing games, identifying objects and…

Artificial General Intelligence – AGI
Artificial General Intelligence is where a computer system is capable of understanding and performing tasks at a human-like level across the full human scale and range of cognitive abilities and…

Artificial Super Intelligence, ASI
Artificial Super Intelligence is where a computer exceeds humans across all human scale cognitive abilities and capacities. The aim is to vastly exceed human cognitive capacities, individually, and then eventually…

Cosmology From The Beginning
Cosmology from the beginning – Part Twenty-Seven Because Astrophysicists have discovered that the universe is apparently expanding, and have measured the rate of this expansion, they can run the clock…

Eyes, a New Receptor Cell Found in Human Colour Vision
Scientists studying the response of specific mice with retinal diseases to a light/dark cycle. The mice were blind – they had no rods and cones cells left, but their body…

Sir Roger Penrose, the Famous Mathematical Physicist and Cosmologist
Sir Roger Penrose OM FRS, was born in Colchester 8th August 1931, the son of Margaret (Leathes) and Lionel Penrose – psychiatrist and geneticist.

Fusion Energy
Fusion Energy

Artificial Intelligence – Artificial Narrow Intelligence, ANI
Artificial Intelligence – Narrow

Energy Storage
Energy storage for the production of continuous green or clean energy

Green or Clean Energy
Energy that does not produce CO2 or other emissions that affect the climate. Typical examples are wind and solar power and are also referred to as renewable energy sources. Many…

Fission Energy
This is the traditional form of nuclear energy, where very large atoms like uranium and plutonium are split by neutron bombardment, and the reduction in mass is released as energy….

How Do Human Eyes Work
The retina at the back of the eye is a complex part of the eye, and its job is to turn light into signals about the images on its surface…

Modern Science Defined
Modern science has only really existed for around 400 years or so, since the refinement of the scientific method.

Light and Human Colour Vision
Sunlight White light from the Sun is fundamental to human colour vision, but it can be split into all the colours of the rainbow. The light waves are refracted (bent)…

Human Eyes Colour Sensitivity
Rod cells in the retina of our eyes give the ability to see light and give us our night vision when light levels are low, but rod cells cannot distinguish…

Genetics Is The Study Of Heredity And The Variation Of Inherited Characteristics
The laws of inheritance were discovered by Gregor Mendel due to his experiments between 1856 and 1863. He was cross breeding garden peas and observing the characteristics of the resulting…

Life and Its Origins
How did life on Earth begin, when and where did it start? Was there more than one origin? When did organic chemistry become biology i.e., life, a process called abiogenesis?…

Food and Health and a Long Health Span
Eat food, mainly plants, not too much.

Human Brain, and Its Incredible Complexity
Contains 86 billion neurons with an average of 5000 interconnections per neuron – but up to as many as10,000. This computes to a staggering 430,000,000,000,000 – 430 trillion connections. The…