Artificial General Intelligence – AGI

Artificial General Intelligence is where a computer system is capable of understanding and performing tasks at a human-like level across the full human scale and range of cognitive abilities and capacities. The aim is to rival, equal, and then possibly exceed human cognitive capacities, individually, and eventually collectively – as a total population! In the human case general intelligence means that how you do on any one task or test is strongly predictive on how you’ll do on many other tasks.

The term AGI is poorly defined and is open to numerous variations on theme. ANI systems are often very much better than most, if not all, humans in a very narrow and specific area, such as playing the game of Go. So the question arises that when a system is developed that has a range of abilities as wide as an average human, then it is very likely that in most, if not all, of those areas it will already exceed the ability of any humans, and so is therefore already beyond the general intelligence of a human.