Science facts and explanations
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Sci Fi Novel about fusion energy, AI, climate change and…
Sci Fi Novel about fusion energy, AI, climate change and…
Artificial Intelligence, AI Terms Defined
Artificial Intelligence is a catch-all phrase for computer systems that can perform tasks commonly associated with human cognitive functions such…
Human Eyes Colour Sensitivity
Rod cells in the retina of our eyes give the ability to see light and give us our night vision…
Eyes, a New Receptor Cell Found in Human Colour Vision
Scientists studying the response of specific mice with retinal diseases to a light/dark cycle. The mice were blind – they…
Human Brain, and Its Incredible Complexity
Contains 86 billion neurons with an average of 5000 interconnections per neuron – but up to as many as10,000. This…
Cosmology From The Beginning
Cosmology from the beginning – Part Twenty-Seven Because Astrophysicists have discovered that the universe is apparently expanding, and have measured…
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Physics Physics is the study and measurement of the physical world and its fundamental properties Under a modern definition physics covers classical mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, electromagnetism and photonics, relativistic mechanics, quantum mechanics, atomic physics, molecular physics, optics and…
Space Space science includes astronomy, cosmology, space travel, exploration, space medicine, space archaeology, and space based research In the past Cosmology was a branch of Astronomy but it seems to have become discipline all of its own.
Computers The most powerful Supercomputers are now performing in the exaflop range – i.e., 10^18 floating point operations per second.
Life, How It Arose And How It Works As soon as the Earth became cool enough complex chemistry turned into biology, where these new entities were able to make copies of themselves. This occurred very early on in the history…
Science Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.
is focussed on providing science facts to explain how this amazingly complex world of ours works